SensorE2V CCD97
Array Size512 x 512
Pixel Size16 x 16µm

Signal Pixel Full - Well

EM Register Full - Well800,000e-
Digitization16 - Bit
InterfaceIEEE 1394a ( FireWire )
Read Noise ( e-  rms )

                               Without EM Gain

With EM Gain
20 MHz EM Port                               75e-< 1e
10 MHz EM Port                               65e-< 1e
5 MHz Stabdard Port                               18e- 
625 MHz Standard Port                               6e- 
Bias Stability
A mesurement of the camera stability when no light hits the sensor.≤ 0. 001 ADU/Frame
A slope of zero would be ideal. 
Linearity> 99%
Field uniformity20 MHz EM                                             1.065
The image quality of the EMCCD is assessed for gradients. A complete lack of any10 MHz EM                                             1.003
gradient would provide a numerical value of 1.005 MHz  EM                                             1.012
.625 MHz                                                1.008
Stabilized Cooling tempuretureAir cooled ( @ ambient air 20°C ) - Standard                  -75°C
 Liquid cooled ( @ ambient air 20°C ) - Optional                 -75°C
Dark current0.0003e- / pixel / sec
Background event0.002 events / pixel ( @ 1000x EM gain )
( 20 MHz, 1000x EM gain ) Standard operation 
Rarallel Shift Rate0.200 µseconds
The shift rate optimized by maximum frame rates while providing externaly high
charge transfer efficiency and minimal generation of clock - induced charge
Triggerinr ModesTrigger first
HardWare triggering enables synchronization between many different system componentStoere
All triggering models are supportred in overlab and non - ovelap read out modesBuib